om namaḥ śivāya guruviśveśvarāya namaḥ
Chapters of Bṛhat Parāśara Horā Śāstra
Evaluation of Strengths: Includes the detailed study of each of the following strengths, effects of strengths of planets and the bhāva; use in predictions
1) Sthāna bala 2) Sapta-varga-ja bala 3) Oja-yugma-rāśi-aṁśa bala 4) Kendra-ādi bala 5) Drekkāṇa bala 6) Digbala 7) Kāla bala 8) Pakṣa bala |
9) Tri-bhāga bala 10) Varśa-māsa-dina-horā bala 11) Naisargika bala 12) Ayana bala 13) Drigbala 14) Yuddha bala 15) Bhāva bala 16) Ṣaḍbala |
Iṣṭa & Kaṣṭa bala
Rashmi – Rays of planets, their evaluation; chesṭā rashmi; benevolent malevolent rays; benefic and malefic tendencies; effects due to digbala, saptavargaja bala etc.; Iṣṭa (blessings) and Kaṣṭa (suffering); bhāva effects
Additional Topics: Varṇadā, Varṇadā Daśā, Tilādi Lakṣana (Marks and moles) etc.
Bhāva padas:
Ārūḍha definition and calculation; the exceptions and their understanding; All bhāva pada, graha pada, pada and wealth – including gains and losses, sources of gains, the 7th from pada – the door, various matters concerning pada including varga.
Upapada calculation; 2nd from UL; children from UL; siblings of self and spouse from AL and UL respectively; Various matters concerning Pada Lagna i.e. Ārūḍha Lagna (AL), Rājya Pada etc.
Argalā or planetary intervention
Determination of argalā – the three types; virodha argalā – obstruction to argalā; special (parākrama) argalā; effects of argalā.
Contact Course
The contact course is to be held as per the syllabus for the academic year as per this schedule
1 | 13-Mar-2014 | Thu | PJC Y2B | Prarambha | Sthāna bala | Sapta-varga-ja bala | Oja-yugma-rāśi-aṁśa bala |
2 | 14-Mar-2014 | Fri | PJC Y2B | Kendra-ādi bala | Drekkāṇa bala | Digbala |
3 | 15-Mar-2014 | Sat | PJC Y2B | Kāla bala |Pakṣa bala | Tri-bhāga bala | Varśa-māsa-dina-horā bala |
4 | 16-Mar-2014 | Sun | PJC Y2B | Naisargika bala | Ayana bala | Drigbala | Yuddha bala |
5 | 17-Mar-2014 | Mon | PJC Y2B | Bhāva bala | Ṣaḍbala |
6 | 18-Mar-2014 | Tue | PJC Y2B | Ṣaḍbala Application | |
7 | 19-Mar-2014 | Wed | PJC Y2B | ||
8 | 20-Mar-2014 | Thu | PJC Y2B | Rashmi | Iṣṭa-Kaṣṭa |
9 | 21-Mar-2014 | Fri | PJC Y2B | Ārūḍha Concepts | Ārūḍha Lagna AL |
10 | 22-Mar-2014 | Sat | PJC Y2B | Upapada UL | |
11 | 23-Mar-2014 | Sun | PJC Y2B | Dara Pada A7 | Mantra Pada A5 |
12 | 24-Mar-2014 | Mon | PJC Y2B | Bhāgya Pada A9 | Rājya Pada A10 |
13 | 25-Mar-2014 | Tue | PJC Y2B | Dhana Pada A2 | Bhrātṛ Pada A3 |
14 | 26-Mar-2014 | Wed | PJC Y2B | ||
15 | 27-Mar-2014 | Thu | PJC Y2B | Mātṛ Pada A4 | Pitr Pada A9 |
16 | 28-Mar-2014 | Fri | PJC Y2B | Śatru Pada A6 | Mṛtyu Pada A8 |
17 | 29-Mar-2014 | Sat | PJC Y2B | Lābha Pada A11 | Pada Gochara |
18 | 30-Mar-2014 | Sun | PJC Y2B | Argalā | Virodha Argalā |
19 | 31-Mar-2014 | Mon | PJC Y2B | Varṇadā & Daśā | Tilādi Lakṣana |
20 | 01-Apr-2014 | Tue | PJC Y2B | Niṣeka | Graha Yuddha |
- Attendance for the entire Himalaya Course is EXPECTED. However, if you cannot attend, the slides will be available as videos of the course. Yet you could miss out some small technicalities of these teachings.
- Bhimtal, at the foothills of the Himalayas was not affected by the floods and has been chosen for the course due to the ancient Śiva temple where the strong Bhīma pāṇḍava worshipped – Lord Bhīma-śaṅkara