Ṣaḍbala Introduction -
Sthāna Bala - The word sthāna generally means place and position and sthāna bala includes various details about the native.
Uccha Bala - अथ स्पष्टबलं वक्ष्ये स्थानकालादिसम्भवम्।
Saptavargīya Bala - स्वत्रिकोणस्वगेहाधिमित्रमित्रसमारिषु॥ २॥
Oja-yugma-rāśi-aṁśa bala - शुक्रेन्दू समभांशेऽन्ये विषमेऽञ्घ्रिमितं बलम्।
Kendrādi Bala - केन्द्रादिषुस्थिताः खेटाः पूर्णाऽर्धाऽङ्घ्रिमितं क्रमात्॥ ५॥
Drekkāṇa Bala - आद्यमध्यावसानेषु द्रेष्काणेषु स्थिताः क्रमात्।
Sthāna Bala Overview - The sum of the five parts viz. uccha bala, saptavargīya bala, oja-yugma-rāśi-aṁśa bala, kendrādi bala and drekkāṇa bala gives the sthāna bala. In this example we have computed the sthāna bala for the seven weekday planets which is normally done by vedic astrologers.
Digbala - Digbala is composed of दिग् (dig) and बल (bala) simply meaning directional strength. However the word दिग् (dig) is a compounded form of दिश् (diś) which has various meanings and connotations. To understand digbala we need to know the meanings of दिश् (diś) –
Kāla Bala - There are umpteen meanings of the word काल (kāla), a proper understanding of which is very necessary for all vedic astrologers. In the context of kāla bala, we use the meaning as ‘a measure of time’. When we think of the passage of time, it manifests as changing seasons, and we know of the six vedic seasons of knowledge called ṣaḍṛtu. Accordingly, there should be six parts to kāla bala. These six parts are -
Natonnata Bala - The compound word natonnata (नतोन्नत) is composed of two words (a) नत nata and its anonym (b) उन्नत unnata.
Pakṣa Bala - Pakṣa refers to the waxing and waning phases of the Moon which is divided into the śukla pakṣa (waxing phase) and kṛṣṇa pakṣa (waning phase). The maximum angular displacement of the Moon from the Sun is 180° which is the moment of pūrṇānta (end of pūrṇimā, full moon). Just as Mercury gets a special position in natonnata bala, Moon gets the position for pakṣa bala.
Tribhāga Bala - दिनत्र्यंशेषु सौम्यार्कशनीनां निट्त्रिभागके।
Varṣeśādi Bala - [caption id="attachment_664" align="alignright" width="273"] Winkelman Van der Bijl Amsterdam Art Deco zodiac clock[/caption]
Yuddha Bala - Meaning of Yuddha
Ayana Bala - Introduction